
Workshop for the Toruń Regional Development Agency (TARR)

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Workshop for the Toruń Regional Development Agency (TARR)

On May 30th, 2023, representatives from the J. Dauman Group had the pleasure of conducting a training session for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as part of the ‘’Tuesdays with Export’’ series organized by the Toruń Regional Development Agency.

During the training, experts from teh J. Dauman Group provided valuable insights to businesses on overcoming both old and new challenges specific to the UK market. The aim was to equip entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge and strategies to successfully expand their operations into the UK market or scale up their activities. The workshop facilitated by the J. Dauman Group underlines Group’s commitment to empowering businesses and supporting their growth in the competitive landscape of international trade, particularly when venturing into the dynamic market of the United Kingdom.

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